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DearEIS is a Python package for processing, analyzing, and visualizing impedance spectra. The primary interface for using DearEIS is a graphical user interface (GUI).

The graphical user interface of DearEIS


PDF copies of the documentation are available in the releases section.

The GUI can be started via the following command:


The GUI can also be started by running DearEIS as a Python module:

python -m deareis

An application programming interface (API) is also included and it can be used to, e.g., batch process results into tables and plots.

>>> import deareis


If you would prefer to primarily use an API or are looking for a command-line interface (CLI), then check out pyimpspec.

The source code for DearEIS can be found here. The changelog can be found here. If you encounter bugs or wish to request a feature, then please open an issue on GitHub. If you wish to contribute to the project, then please read the readme before submitting a pull request via GitHub.

DearEIS is licensed under GPLv3 or later.